免费指南 翻录 DVD

DVD 到 iPad Air: 通过将 DVD 转换为 iPad Air 视频在 iPad Air 上播放 DVD

在我的新 iPad Air 上观看我最喜欢的 DVD 电影是我上班路上消磨时间的最喜欢的选择之一. 你一定很想知道我如何在 iPad Air 上播放 DVD. 实际上, 很简单: 将 DVD 转换为 iPad Air 支持的视频. Play DVD on iPad Air 众所周知, iPad Air, the same as other iOS devices, doesn’t have a built-in DVD drive to play DVDs. Plugging in an external DVD drive may be a solution, 然而, this may make iPad Air hard to take along, also, the power supply is also a big problem. 因此, buying an external DVD drive to play DVD on iPad Air is an impracticable idea.

总而言之, converting DVD to iPad Air video must be the best and final solution for watching DVD on iPad Air. So here comes another question: how to convert DVD to iPad Air supported videos?

In this tutorials, 2 ways to rip DVD to iPad Air video will be introduced:
1. Using the best free and open source DVD converter Handbrake to convert unprotected DVDs for iPad Air
2. Using a third-party DVD to iPad Air converter to rip copy-protected DVDs for iPad Air

How to convert DVD to iPad Air free with Handbrake (for Unprotected DVDs)

Convert DVD to iPad Air free with Handbrake

Convert DVD to iPad Air free with Handbrake

1. Free download Handbrake, 安装并启动它;

Download free DVD to iPad Air converter Handbrake for WindowsDownload free DVD to iPad Air converter Handbrake for Mac

2. Insert the DVD that you want to put on iPad Air into the DVD drive of your computer;
3. Click the “Source” icon to load the DVD inserted;
4. Hit the “Browse” button to specify the location and file name of the output iPad Air video;
5. Set the output profile as “iPad” under “Devices” of “Presets”;
6. Select “Strict” from the drop-down menu of “Anamorphic”;
7. Click the “Start” icon to start the DVD to iPad Air conversion.
8. Transfer the output .mp4 video to iPad Air with iTunes or a third party iPad transfer software.


1. Handbrake is open-source, so totally free.
2. Handbrake is available for Windows, Mac and even Linux.


1. Handbrake cannot convert copy-protected DVDs, it only deals with home-made DVDs and old movie DVDs. To rip copy-protected DVD for iPad Air, please go to method 2.
2. All the settings are built in one interface so that it is hard to decide what to do next, especially for novices.
3. The conversion speed is a little slower than professional DVD to iPad Air converters.

How to rip DVD to iPad Air video with DVD解密器 (for copy-protected DVDs)

Rip DVD to iPad Air with DVD Decrypter

Rip DVD to iPad Air with DVD Decrypter

1. Free download DVD Decrypter, the professional DVD to iPad Air converter, run it after the installation;

Free download DVD to iPad Air converter for WindowsFree download DVD to iPad Air converter for Mac

2. Insert the DVD disc that you want to copy to iPad Air;
3. Click the “Load DVD” button to load the DVD disc, DVD folder or IFO files.


If you are using Windows 8, you can even load the mounted ISO file directly; if you are using Windows 7 or earlier OS, you may have to download a virtual drive software to mount the ISO file first.

4. Unselect the DVD titles that you don’t want to download to your iPad Air; (选修的)
5. Set the output “Profile” as “Apple iPad” > “iPad Air H.264 HD Video (*.mp4)”;
6. Click the “Convert” button to begin the DVD to iPad Air conversion.
7. Copy the output .mp4 video to your iPad Air with iTunes or a third party iPad data transfer.


1. Convert DVD at 6 faster speed.
2. Build in with HD video output profiles for iPad Air;
3. Rip any DVD with DRM protections (including CSS, region codes, RCE, Sony ARccOS and more) to iPad Air compatible H.264 .mp4 video;
4. Convert DVD to 3D videos.


1. It’s not free, but absolutely deserves the price;
2. It cannot load ISO file directly.

When all the steps are finished, just enjoy the DVD movies on your iPad Air anywhere anytime.

If you have any other good methods to convert DVD to iPad Air video or play DVD on iPad Air, or any questions or suggestions about the tutorial, comment below.


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