Unduh video Panduan Gratis

Cara Mengekstrak Video yang Diunduh dari Cache Browser

Saat kita perlu mengunduh video untuk diputar secara offline dari berbagai situs seperti YouTube, Twitter, Netflix, Instagram dan Facebook, kami mungkin selalu cenderung menemukan pengunduh video gratis untuk memenuhi syarat untuk pekerjaan itu. Namun, pengunduh video yang sepenuhnya gratis tanpa adware atau malware apa pun sulit ditemukan bahkan dalam ulasan kami sebelumnya tentang berbagai pengunduh video. Kemudian, inilah pertanyaannya: bisakah kita mengunduh video tanpa menggunakan pengunduh video? Jangan batasi pikiran kita hanya pada hal ini. Sebenarnya, kami memiliki pilihan lain untuk mengunduh video online dan itu 100% Gratis: menyimpan video online dari cache browser.

Dalam artikel cara ini, kamu akan belajar what the browser cache is, where the cached files of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Tepian, Internet Explorer dan Opera ada di Windows dan Mac, how to extract downloaded videos from browser cache, how to save buffered videos from browser cache with VideoCacheView, keuntungan dan kerugian dari cara-cara yang diperkenalkan untuk mengekspor video yang dimuat dari cache browser, and whether there are other ways to Unduh video dari halaman Web.

Apa itu cache browser?

What’s browser cache?

Saat kami mengunjungi halaman di browser seperti Chrome, Safari, Tepian, Firefox, semua gambar, video, CSS, Javascript dan sumber daya lain yang digunakan pada halaman tersebut akan di-buffer dan disimpan sementara di lokasi tertentu pada perangkat kami. Sedemikian rupa, akses kami selanjutnya ke halaman itu akan jauh lebih lancar dan lebih cepat karena konten yang di-cache sebelumnya akan dimuat langsung dari folder cache, bukan dari server situs web lagi. Mekanisme ini menghemat waktu buffer sumber daya, minimizes bandwidth consumption and brings performance gains so as to give the Internet surfing a snappier experience.
Karena itu, kami memiliki kesempatan dan kemungkinan untuk mengekstrak video yang dimuat dari file cache browser.

Di mana file yang di-cache?

Lokasi cache bervariasi di browser yang berbeda, versi browser, sistem operasi dan versi OS.


Silakan ganti “USERNAME” dengan nama pengguna Anda.

Folder Pengaturan Lokal, Data Aplikasi dan AppData adalah data sistem dan disembunyikan secara default, jadi Anda mungkin perlu mengubah preferensi Anda di tab Tampilan File Explorer ke menampilkan file dan folder tersembunyi di Windows 11 (Windows 10, Windows 8.1 dan jendela 7) untuk menemukan file cache.

Use the links to find the cache files of your browser quickly.

Cache folder of Chrome on Windows:

Chrome Profile Path
Cara 1: Pergi ke krom://versi/ di Chrome. Temukan direktori Jalur Profil. Cache harus berada di dalam direktori itu.
Cara 2: Akses C:\UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultCache langsung di File Explorer.
Cara 3: Tekan tombol Windows + R di keyboard Anda, dan rekatkan jalur di jendela Jalankan perintah untuk membuka folder cache browser.

Cache folder of Firefox on Windows:

Cara 1:

    Network Cache Storage Service Page of Firefox

  1. Akses “tentang:cache?storage=disk” di bilah alamat Firefox. (Langkah-langkah berikut melakukan pekerjaan yang sama: buka halaman Layanan Penyimpanan Cache Jaringan dengan mengunjungi “about:cache"; klik Daftar Entri Cache di bawah jalur panjang lokasi disk Penyimpanan di bagian disk.) Di Chrome versi lebih rendah dari 66, Anda mungkin perlu mengganti “about:cache” dengan “chrome://lihat-http-cache/” alih-alih.
  2. Jalur ke folder cache dapat ditemukan di sebelah Storage disk location. Dan semua file cache yang tersedia akan dicantumkan oleh Key (URL asli), Ukuran data, Ukuran Data Alternatif, Ambil hitungan, Terakhir diubah, Kedaluwarsa dan Pin. Pasti, kita juga bisa menekan “Ctrl-F” untuk menemukan video target jika frasa pencarian disediakan.

Cara 2:

Akses folder cache secara langsung di File Explorer:

  • Untuk Windows 10/8: C:\PenggunaNAMA PENGGUNAAppDataLokalMozillaFirefoxProfil{folder profil}\cache2
  • Untuk Windows 7: C:\PenggunaNAMA PENGGUNAAppDataLokalMozillaFirefoxProfil{folder profil}\Cache
  • Untuk Windows XP: C:\Dokumen dan PengaturanNAMA PENGGUNAPengaturan LokalData AplikasiMozillaFirefoxProfil{folder profil}\Cache

Cache Safari di Windows:

Buka direktori berikut di File Explorer sesuai dengan versi Windows Anda:

  • Di Windows 10: C:\PenggunapenggunaAppDataLokalApple ComputerSafari
  • Di Windows 7: \Pengaturan LokalData AplikasiApple ComputerSafari
  • Di Windows XP: C:\Dokumen dan Setelan[nama belakang]\Pengaturan LokalData AplikasiApple ComputerSafari

Folder cache Microsoft Edge di Windows:

Akses langsung jalur berikut di File Explorer di komputer Anda:

  • C:\UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalMicrosoftEdgeUser DataDefaultCache
  • C:\UsersUsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalPackagesMicrosoft. MicrosoftEdge_xxxxAC#! 001\MicrosoftEdgeCache

Folder cache Internet Explorer di Windows:

Cara 1:

  1. Gunakan salah satu dari berikut ini 3 cara untuk membuka Opsi Internet:
    • Buka Panel Kontrol, lalu pilih Jaringan dan Internet> Pilihan internet.
    • Di kotak dialog Run atau dari Command Prompt, masukkan perintah inetcpl.cpl.
    • Dari Internet Explorer, pilih Alat> Pilihan internet.

    Location of Temporary Internet Files of Internet Explorer

  2. Klik tab Umum.
  3. Klik tombol Pengaturan di bagian riwayat Penjelajahan.
  4. Klik tombol Lihat file di bawah tab File Internet Sementara di kotak dialog Pengaturan Data Situs Web sembulan untuk membuka folder cache IE di Windows Explorer.

Cara 2:
Directly open the cache directory of Internet Explorer in File Explorer.

  • Internet Explorer 11: \UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsWebCacheWebCacheV01.dat
  • Windows 10 dan jendela 8:
    C:\PenggunaNAMA PENGGUNAAppDataLokalMicrosoftWindowsINetCache
  • Windows 7 dan Windows Vista:
    C:\UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files
  • Windows XP:
    C:\Dokumen dan SetelanNAMA PENGGUNAPengaturan LokalBerkas Internet Sementara

Folder cache Safari di macOS:

  1. Luncurkan aplikasi Finder;
  2. Tahan Cmd + Menggeser + G;
  3. Masukkan /Users/USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Caches/
  4. tekan enter.
  5. Cache folder of Safari on macOS

  • Di versi macOS sebelumnya, folder tersebut terletak di /Users/USERNAME/Library/Caches/.
  • File cache Safari adalah seluruh file database bernama Cache.db yang diprogram dalam SQL. Anda mungkin perlu menggunakan alat profesional Peramban DB untuk SQLite untuk melihat data dalam file cache.

Folder cache Chrome, Firefox dan Opera di macOS:

Cara 1:

  1. Di Pencari, klik Buka dan kemudian Buka Folder,
  2. Rekatkan jalur berikut dan tekan Go: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Caches/ Default/Caches

Cache folder path of Chrome on macOS
File cache Google Chrome akan ada di Google> Chrome> Bawaan> folder cache. Untuk Firefox dan Opera, cari masing-masing folder cache Firefox dan Opera.

Cara 2:

  1. Buka Penemu.
  2. Tekan dan tahan tombol Pilihan
  3. Pilih Pergi > Perpustakaan
  4. Temukan folder Cache.
  5. Temukan Chrome yang sesuai, Folder cache Firefox dan Opera di browser Anda.
  • Chrome: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Caches/ Default/Caches/Goolge/Chrome/Default/Cache/
  • Firefox: /Users/USERNAME/ Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/
  • Opera: /Users/USERNAME/ Library/Caches/com.operasoftware.Opera/

Cara 3:
It also works good to access “chrome://version/” or “about:cache?storage=disk” in the address bar in Chrome or Firefox respectively to find the cache folder on macOS as it does on Windows.

How to save downloaded videos from cache of browser?

Here, we’ll take Chrome as an example to show the steps to extract videos from Chrome cache files.

  1. Open the page that contains the target video that you want to download.
  2. Play the video and wait until the video is completely buffered.
  3. Locate the cache directory.
  4. Find the videos files by sorting the pile of cache files by size since the larger ones are usually video files.
  5. Rename the files and add the .flv or .mp4 extension.

Now the videos can be played with a video player such as VLC player, PlayerFab Dan UniConverter Player.
Though this method is 100% free and we don’t need to install or use any extra software or plugin on our device, it’s still difficult to extract videos from the browser cache especially for novices since there are lots of disadvantages:

  1. The file names in the cache folder are obscured. It’s hard to identify videos files even through file size.
  2. The file extensions of the videos cached from different sources may vary so that we might need to try multiple possible file extensions for one file.
  3. Previously cached videos may have to make space for newer files.
  4. Large files may not be cached due to limited storage for the browser.
  5. The size of storage space available for cache files may be limited in some browsers and devices.
  6. Some videos may be cached partially.
  7. Some cached videos such as flash videos will be removed once the browser is closed.
  8. Some sites may use encryption technologies to prevent videos from being downloaded.
  9. Videos that have never been loaded in the browser won’t appear in the cache.

How to extract buffered videos from browser cache with VideoCacheView

When we find it’s hard to distinguish target videos files from a pile of cache files, we should leave professional things to professional tools. The tool VideoCacheView can solve the problem easily and perfectly.
VideoCacheView is a free and open-source cache viewer utility that is capable of scanning the entire cache of Internet Explorer, Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox), Opera, and Chrome within seconds, then extracting videos from cache easily and saving to local disk freely for future offline playback.
With VideoCacheView, it’s easy to save downloaded videos in browser cache or temporary folder as playable files that video players can recognize.

Follow the steps as below:

  1. Download VideoCacheView Dan GPAC, then run VideoCacheView;
  2. Extract buffered videos from browser cache with VideoCacheView

  3. Wait 5 to 30 seconds until VideoCacheView finishes scanning;
  4. Play the listed videos with the default media player of your system or judge the target videos with the listed parameters (such as Download URL, Title, Browser, Last Accessed Data and File Size) to find the videos that you are trying to download.
  5. Save the wanted video to your video library.


  1. No additional DLL files or installation process is required to save downloaded videos from browser cache or temporary.
  2. The scanning usually finishes in 5 to 30 detik.


  1. Not all the found videos show data in the Title column, it’s still difficult to find the video that you are trying to download.
  2. VideoCacheView only has Windows versions. It works on Windows 10 or earlier versions.
  3. Safari cache is not supported by VideoCacheView.
  4. It not the default option to load videos from Internet Explorer 10/11. You may have to check the box beside the option manually if it’s needed.
  5. You might need to turn to a video converter to transcode the output videos to the most popular MP4 format.
  6. The saved videos may get corrupt if the browser keeps running when you are extracting videos from the cache.
  7. In Windows 7 with User Account Control enabled, you may have to run VideoCacheView as administrator to saving downloaded videos fromTemporary Folder”.
  8. Videos streamed via the Streaming Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol, (whose URL starts with mms://, mmst:// or http:// and ends with .asf, .wmv or .asx) cannot be extracted from browser cache with this cache extractor.


  1. The quality of the video extracted from the cache files depends on the resolution you choose when playing the video in your browser.
  2. In Firefox, cache files won’t be saved to the local cache folder until the browser is closed. Karena itu, if you need to extract videos from Firefox with the cache viewer, you may have to close all the tabs and windows of Firefox.
  3. Though the video loaded in Firefox won’t appear in the cache folder when Firefox is still running, VideoCacheView can still extract the video from theTemporary Folderentry alternatively as long as the browser tab that buffered the video has not been closed.
  4. Umumnya, you don’t have to run VideoCacheViewRun As Administratorto extract videos from browser cache.
  5. If you don’t want to get an incomplete or corrupt video, you should let the video be fully buffered.
  6. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive since there is possibility that the extracted videos might be partial or corrupt due to lack of enough storage space.
  7. Presently, 2 WebM streams (one video stream and one audio stream) are used in each video we play on YouTube, VideoCacheView will extract the 2 streams separately so that you might have to merge the video and audio streams using a third-party video editor or video transcoder.
  8. In browsers that use MP4 streams or have WebM feature disabled, VideoCacheView will also save the audio and video streams of YouTube videos separately. Namun, if the open-source software packageGPAC has been installed, VideoCacheView automatically detects it and uses MP4Box installed as a part of GPAC package to merge the 2 mp4 streams into a single mp4 file.
  9. To disable WebM streams in Firefox, visitabout:configin the address bar, change themedia.webm.enabledvalue to false.
  10. Although Safari is not in the support list of VideoCacheView, you can download SafariCacheView from the same developer to read and parse cache file of Safari Web browser (cache.db).
  11. SafariCacheView only works on Windows 7 and previous versions. If you want to find the videos in the Safari cache on macOS, transfer the cache.db file to Windows.

Final Words:

All in all, you can extract downloaded videos from the cache files of Chrome, Firefox, Tepian, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera directly or with the help of VideoCacheView or SafariCacheView. Namun, there are still lots of challenges to face especially:

  1. The locations of cached files for different browsers and browser versions on different system platforms and OS versions may vary considerably so that it becomes difficult to find the temporarily downloaded files.
  2. Even with the help of VideoCacheView, it’s hard to distinguish videos files from hundreds of files with obscure or random file names while without files extensions.
  3. The found buffered videos might be corrupted or clips of the original videos due to all kinds of unexpected or unknown reasons.
  4. To get the videos fully cached in your local disk, you might need to wait until the video are completely loaded, which is troublesome and usually takes much time.
  5. When using VideoCacheView to extract downloaded videos from Web pages, you might sometimes still need to play the videos one by one to recognize the video you are looking for, Anda mungkin terkadang menemukan bahwa semua ukuran file adalah nol.

Mengingat kekurangan di atas dalam menyimpan video yang diunduh dari cache dengan atau tanpa VideoCacheView, profesional tetapi mudah digunakan pengunduh video Suka Streamfab Dan Pengelola Unduhan Internet (IDM) sangat dianjurkan. Pengunduh video mungkin membutuhkan biaya, namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi tentang cara menemukan folder cache, cara mengekstrak video yang di-buffer dari cache, bagaimana menemukan video target di antara banyak file, apa ekstensi dari video target, cara mendownload video secara berkelompok……

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